We’ve all heard plenty about the “too big to fail” banks, corporations and auto manufacturers. Hundreds of billions were sent their way. But what about the “little guy;” you and me? Well, let’s face it, in the government’s priorities you may be too little to succeed! Yes, that’s right; individually our problems are not big enough to command the attention of the bureaucrats. And those pesky troublemakers the “occupiers,” are being blasted and neutralized across the land. Besides that, if the police can’t disband them, the harsh Winter certainly will.
It’s a tough world and these are tough times.
So what do you do? It’s about time you got tough and self-reliant. Get in touch with that pioneer spirit. It’s you against the elements. You need to protect yourself and your family. That’s a priority. Start by living below your means. Your government doesn’t set the best example for fiscal responsibility, and the more irresponsible we are the better they like it. You’ve seen the headlines: “Consumer Spending is Up,” “Black Friday Shopping Breaks Records,” “Cyber Monday Sees Huge Increase in Purchases,” “Economy is Turning Around,” “Unemployment Numbers Fall,” “Euro Bailout Plan,” etc. Just in time for the holidays, everything’s coming up roses. Don’t fall for it!
Your Plan.
I mentioned living below your means. That’s a necessity. Do you really care if everyone else is spending and going into debt? Are you concerned that you might not have enough saved to handle a crisis or two? Are you falling behind on your mortgage or other payments?
You need a plan. Your plan should include the following:
- Living Below Your Means
- Building a Cash Reserve
- Resisting Credit Purchases
- Paying Down (preferably off) Your Debt
- Investing Your Money intelligently
- Increasing Your Income
Alert your family and enlist their cooperation. Have regular meetings to monitor your progress. Keep records.
Get Involved!
Don’t be passive, especially in your personal financial decisions. If you need help with your mortgage, ask your lender what they can do. Call your creditors and ask for interest rate reductions. Patronize merchants offering fair, reasonable, value. Help those less fortunate. Some people are limited in their capacity to adapt: the elderly, needy, disabled, the children, etc., —advocate for them. Get involved politically. Make your voice heard: register to vote, write your representatives, etc. It’s your country, your children’s future, and your personal financial survival that’s on the line.